Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment

Semiconductor manufacturing equipment provided to semiconductor manufacturers in the United States, Taiwan, South Korea and elsewhere around the world must be designed and manufactured in accordance with the SEMI international safety guidelines and the standards of the countries and regions to which they are delivered.

TOKIONE provides an integrated suite of services to meet those standards, from identification of nonconformities in preliminary inspection to final testing and evaluation followed by preparation of the SEMI report.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
Industrial Equipment

Industrial Equipment

To export industrial equipment, conformity evaluation must be performed based on international standards for mechanical and electrical safety as well as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Moreover, proof is required that the equipment meets the standards of the country or region to which it is exported. Conformity evaluation and testing must be conducted in the EU according to EU directives and conformity standards and in North America according to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and UL standards.

At TOKIONE, we can perform a battery of tests on-site for industrial equipment that is too large or otherwise impractical to transport to our testing laboratory. We also welcome inquiries regarding testing of multiple equipment items comprising entire production lines.

Components (electrical products and components)

In the EU, products and components introduced to the market on a stand-alone basis must carry the CE logo, meaning that they must comply with the low-voltage directive, the EMC directive and the RoHS directive. Even components included in industrial machinery must in some cases be evaluated according to the low-voltage directive.

TOKIONE performs electrical, EMC and other testing, either at its laboratory or on-site. If necessary, we can prepare reports for evaluation of compatibility with CE markings and the low-voltage directive.Components included in industrial machinery bound for North America require a certificate from an NRTL.

TOKIONE can perform electrical testing at its laboratory or on-site and support customers to the point of acquisition of a certificate from a partner NRTL.
